Sunday is the laziest day, isn't it? For me it usually is. It's the last day of the weekend and it reminds me that another full work week is ahead. I usually just want to sit and chill. This past Sunday I went to Holly's house. While waiting for the delicious dinner her dad was making, she took me out front to see the garden in progress. One quick walk around the garden and I decided I wanted my camera. Luckily, I usually keep it with me.
This is a cucumber plant if I'm not mistaken. They look pretty cool all curled up.
Here's another view. This one was being used by a spider to attach its web to it.
Some of the plants are pretty chewed up so Holly was showing me how you can see where the larvae travel and consume more leaf as they grow. It's pretty cool. I didn't have a macro lens or macro tubes so I had to crop the image a bit but luckily these large megapixel cameras can handle a good crop.
A tomato growing on the vine. It's hard to see but I like this image. Obviously it would be better when the tomato gets red.
I saw these little flowers in another section of the yard. I don't know what they are but I hadn't seen them in this color.
While looking at the flowers, I spotted a colorful spider. I've noticed that spiders and their webs are hard to auto focus so I tried my best at manual focusing.
In the back yard, I spotted a dragonfly sitting on a leaf with the golden sun glistening through its translucent wings. I got a few shots off and as I kept turning to get a head on shot, it flew away. This is a very tight crop of the original.
The dragonfly landed on another plant and Holly wanted a go at capturing it so I lent her my camera. I cropped this again quite tightly but I think the detail still holds up for the web.
Holly still having my camera spotted Arwin, her cat, sleeping in a strange position.
Once I got my camera back, I went in for more Arwin pictures.
I kept getting closer until I finally bugged her enough to get up. I shot quite a few but she doesn't like to be photographed, by me at least, and this was the best I got.
Just before heading inside, Holly pointed out these flowers with the blue thingy inside. Thingy? I really need to learn about flowers.
There were white and purple flowers and this one was both!
This one apparently had a visitor. Luckily it was the only one I saw in this condition.
As I was leaving, I decided to take a photo of Holly. She had the sun to her back and it was really strong so I popped the flash on and dropped the exposure comp to -2 and brightened up the shadows a little in Lightroom. I didn't want to blast too much harsh light in her face.
These are most of the images shot from Sunday but if you prefer to see them on Flickr, you know where to clickr.
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